Ms. Brigitte Roy

Ms. Brigitte Roy

Brigitte Roy

Change Expert, Banking & Technologies, International Studies, Women Empowerment.

Ms Roy is is a change expert who aim to concretise what people often believe impossible. For more than 15 years now, she has held various key positions in international critical transformations in the Swiss banking and technology sector to make vision become tangible.

She holds a BA in Economics with a minor in International Studies from Sherbrooke University, a diploma in Corporate Finance from INSEAD and is Certified Change Management Professional (CCMP) with the Association of Change Management Practitioner (ACMP).

Her professional background has given her the opportunity to work on transformational programs and oversee operations in Switzerland with the whole of Europe, Canada, Australia, the Middle East and Asia and then, based in Singapore on Asia, the Middle East and Europe. These experiences allowed her to deepen her knowledge of our World’s various cultures, as well as  refine her adaptation skills, to the point of constituting two axes of distinct and looked after skills.

Also, being regularly the only woman in an office and in the management of a men dominated world, she also learned to be recognised equally as a feminine professional, while developing additional skills to those commonly taught in business school and outside finance and tech world. 

In addition, on a more personal level, Ms Roy herself had to fight for the claim and defence of her rights as a woman, as a mother and her children welfare. Following this life changing fight, she wanted to dedicate her energies to the defence of women and children not only at the professional level but also and more importantly, within their private lives through a multitude of initiatives.

Finally, Ms Roy is involved with various ACMP committees to make change management discipline move strongly forward, Women in Business of INSEAD and speaks at  conferences on Change, Women and business.

We are glad to count Ms Roy as Director of our Geneva office as a significant contributor to support our mission and surpassing our goals.
